
Hives Q & A

What causes hives?

Hives, medically known as urticaria, are skin reactions that often develop because of exposure to allergens. They usually occur when your body releases histamines to combat allergens that your system thinks are attacking your body. You can develop hives because of:

  • A family history of urticaria
  • Autoimmune disorders, like lupus
  • Hormonal imbalances, such as thyroid disease or vitamin D deficiency
  • Food, environmental, drug, or other types of allergies

In some cases, it’s also possible to develop angioedema (swelling), which is a similar type of allergy-related skin reaction. Usually, angioedema develops in your hands, cheeks, lips, or near your eyes.

How are hives diagnosed?

Men, women, and children can have acute cases of hives where they have infrequent flare-ups. Others can suffer urticaria regularly. Either way, the first step is to have a thorough skin check and health evaluation at Allergy Testing Center. Your practitioner needs to know about:

  • What you eat and drink
  • Where your hives appear
  • How long your urticaria last
  • Any medications you take, including over-the-counter varieties

Depending on your symptoms, your allergist could recommend going through allergy testing. You might need a blood allergy test or comprehensive in-office skin testing, which will allow you to get results instantly.

Is there treatment for urticaria?

Yes. Once the team at Allergy Testing Center better understands why you’re breaking out in hives, they can put together a customized treatment plan. The first step involves treating any outbreak you have. You might need topical corticosteroid cream or oral antihistamines to bring down the inflammation.

The next step involves preventing future hive breakouts. Some of the best treatments include:

  • Anti-allergy antibody drugs, like XOLAIR®
  • Daily nondrowsy antihistamine pills

If you’re at risk of anaphylactic shock due to severe allergies, you might need to carry an epinephrine injection, too. These self-administered shots can prevent serious side effects that occur when you’re exposed to an allergen.

To find out what’s causing your hives, schedule an evaluation with Allergy Testing Center online or call one of their convenient locations.