Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal Allergies Q & A

Why do I have seasonal allergies?

Seasonal allergies occur when your immune system has a false alarm to a  harmless particle in your environment, interpreting it as dangerous. Instead of ignoring the particle, your system starts a series of allergic reaction responses, which is why you experience allergy symptoms.

These allergy issues usually happen when plants, trees, and grasses are in pollination during the late spring, summer, or early fall months. Some of the most common seasonal allergy triggers include:

  • Trees
  • Ragweed
  • Grass

What’s even worse is that when your particular allergen is in season, warmer days, wind, and high humidity can trigger severe symptoms. You’re not necessarily free from Pollen allergy during winter months either. Cockroaches, dust mites, and mold can all lead to unbearable allergy symptoms.

What are the symptoms of seasonal allergies?

Your seasonal allergy symptoms may vary from day to day and from season to season. But some of the most telltale signs of seasonal allergies are:

  • Watery, red eyes
  • Sinus pressure
  • A stuffy or runny nose
  • Frequent sneezing

Seasonal allergies are particularly dangerous for asthmatics since severe allergic reactions can lead to dangerous asthma attacks.

How are seasonal allergies treated?

The best solution for nixing seasonal allergies is to avoid the allergen. Unfortunately, most of them are airborne and can even seep in through the vents in your house — there’s really no way to avoid them altogether. You have plenty of options for relief at Allergy Testing Center though.

Your dedicated allergist starts by diagnosing your allergies through blood or skin prick testing. Then they tailor your treatment plan, which could include:

  • Allergy shots
  • Fast-acting inhalers
  • Nasal steroid sprays
  • Advanced antihistamine medication

One of the most advanced treatments for Pollen allergy is immunotherapy. This revolutionary type of allergy therapy involves exposing you to small, gradually increasing amounts of the allergen, so your immune system learns to ignore it.

Over time, your seasonal allergy symptoms become less frequent and less severe. While immunotherapy —  available in sublingual drops (under the tongue) or injections, depending on your allergy — is highly effective, it takes time to achieve optimal results.

Depending on how quickly you respond to your immunotherapy treatment at Allergy Testing Center, your entire treatment plan can take 3-5 years. But this investment can pay dividends with decades of sustained relief.

Schedule your seasonal allergy evaluation at Allergy Testing Center and see what the team can do for you. Book online or over the phone.